作者: Richard Appignanesi

Oscar Zárate (born 1942) is an Argentine comic book artist and illustrator. Zarate studied architecture and had a successful career in advertising in Argentina. He moved to Europe in 1971 and began to work in earnest as an illustrator. He has drawn for the UK comics magazine Crisis. In the Introducing… and …For Beginners book series he illustrated texts written by Richard Appignanesi, Alexei Sayle, Dylan Evans, J P Mc Evoy, Angus Gellatly and Rupert Woodfin. He is perhaps best known in the United States as the artist for the graphic novel A Small Killing written by Alan Moore, the a full length story about a once idealistic advertising executive haunted by his boyhood self.

4 电子书 Richard Appignanesi

Richard Appignanesi & Oscar Zarate: Introducing Freud
Freud revolutionized the way we think about ourselves. His psychoanalytic terms such as Id, Ego, libido, neurosis and Oedipus Complex have become a part of our everyday vocabulary. But do we know …
Chris Garratt & Richard Appignanesi: Introducing Postmodernism
What connects Marliyn Monroe, Disneyworld, ‘The Satanic Verses’ and cyber space? Answer: Postmodernism. But what exactly is postmodernism? This Graphic Guide explains clearly the maddeningly …
Richard Appignanesi & Oscar Zarate: Introducing Existentialism : A Graphic Guide
Richard Appignanesi goes on a personal quest of Existentialism in its original state. He begins with Camus’ question of suicide: ‘Must life have a meaning to be lived?’ Is absurdity at the heart of E …
Richard Appignanesi: What Do Existentialists Believe?
‘Necessity makes existentialists of us all … It is a map drawn truthfully to our likeness’Existentialism is not a unified doctrine or belief in any conventional sense. It breaks ranks with all …