Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has been widely acclaimed
since the publication of its first edition in 1997(originally
titled Child Psychiatry). Each chapter has been designed to
present the key facts, concepts and emerging facets of the area,
drawing on clinical experience as well as the latest research
findings. These guiding principles are followed in the third
edition, which has been updated to reflect the varied advances in
research and clinical practice that inform the subject.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is structured into
four main parts: first, an introductory section on assessment,
classification and epidemiology; second, a section covering each of
the main specific disorders and presentations; third, a section on
the major risk factors predisposing to child psychiatric disorders;
and fourth, a section on the main methods of treatment, covering
also prevention, service organization and interpersonal and family
therapies as well as fostering and adoption.
* Spans child and adolescent psychiatry
* Includes many practical tips on successful assessment and
treatment techniques
* Comprehensive coverage of topics, written in an accessible
style by international experts in the field
* Up to date information on prevention issues
Written in an accessible style, the book will be of benefit to
all those working with children and adolescents with mental health
problems: as an invaluable resource for trainee psychiatrists,
paediatricians and general practitioners; as a textbook for
undergraduate students in medicine, nursing and related fields; and
as a refresher for active clinicians.
Supported by a companion website featuring over 200 multiple
choice questions and answers to assist those preparing for
examinations, including MRCPsych.
Foreword to First Edition vii
Foreword to Third Edition ix
Preface xi
Part 1 Assessment Classification and Epidemiology 1
1 Assessment 1
2 Classification 22
3 Epidemiology 31
Part 2 Specific Disorders and Presentations 43
4 Autistic Spectrum Disorders 45
5 Disorders of Attention and Activity 56
6 Disruptive Behaviour 65
7 Juvenile Delinquency 79
8 School Refusal 89
9 Anxiety Disorders 95
10 Depression 102
11 Mania 109
12 Suicide and Deliberate Self-harm 116
13 Stress Disorders 123
14 Obsessive-compulsive Disorder 131
15 Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders 136
16 Selective Mutism 141
17 Attachment Disorders 145
18 Enuresis 151
19 Faecal Soiling 159
20 Sleep Disorders 163
21 Psychosomatics 171
22 Preschool Problems 182
23 Introduction to Adolescence and Its Disorders 187
24 Schizophrenia 193
25 Eating Disorders 199
26 Substance Use and Abuse 204
27 Maltreatment 210
Part 3 Risk Factors 227
28 Intellectual Disability 229
29 Brain Disorders 239
30 Language Disorders 244
31 Reading Difficulties 250
32 Insecure Attachment 259
33 Nature and Nurture 270
34 Coping with Adversity 282
35 School and Peer Factors 292
Part 4 Treatment and Services 299
36 Intervention: First Principles 301
37 Prevention 310
38 Medication and Diet 319
39 Behaviourally-based Treatments 328
40 Cognitive Interpersonal and Other Individual Therapies 336
41 Family and Systemic Therapies 344
42 Fostering and Adoption 361
43 Organisation of Services 370
Index 381
Robert Goodman is Professor of Brain and Behavioral Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London.
Stephen Scott is a senior lecturer and consultant at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London and is also the editor of the Blackwell journal Child and Adolescent Mental Health.