`For anyone that has spent years rowing off into convoluted estuaries, and would like an entertaining and useful chart to remind them of River Psychology as a whole, I thoroughly recommend this book′ –
The Psychologist
`This is a highly enjoyable, erudite and beautifully written manuscript. It conveys a rare depth of understanding and ability to strike at the core debates. The lively style, concentration on the biopic, use of text features such as links between names, and formal division of each sub-section will all appeal.… I have taught History of Psychology for nearly 6 years. This text will prove for more palatable to students than any of the competitors′ – Dr Steve Brown, Loughborough University
`This book is well-written. It is clever, flowing and engaging. The balance between biography and contribution is excellent and makes it almost un-put-downable′ – Professor Adrian Furnham, University College London
The 20th Century was rich in attempts to characterize and explain psychological phenomena and so to understand the human mind. These projects were undertaken by a huge and diverse list of characters from B F Skinner to James Gibson, from Gordon Allport to Hans Eysenck. It is important for every student of psychology, wherever they might be in the world, to understand the classic scholars, the classic studies, and the subsequent generations of people and ideas that have come to define the broad discipline that is `psychology′.
This book achieves this in the most accessible and engaging manner possible. Rom Harré presents a unique textbook orientation, combining the biopic with the significance of the major protagonists of the last century, organized by `schools of thought′, yet with cross-references throughout the text.
The Behaviourists – Ivan Pavlov and Burrhus Frederick Skinner
The Developmentalists – Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg
The Cognitivists – Frederic Bartlett, Jerome Bruner, George Kelly, Noam Chomsky and George Miller
The Computationalists – Alan Turing, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, Marvin Minsky and John Searle
The Biopsychologists – Wilder Penfield, Alexander Luria, Karl Pribram, Konrad Lorenz and Edward. O Wilson
The Psychologists of Perception – Wolfgang Köhler, James Gibson, Richard Gregory, David Marr, David Hubel, Torsten Wiesel, Lawrence Weiskrantz, Alan Hein and R. Held
The Personologists – Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell, Hans Eysenck, James Lamiell and Erving Goffman
The Social Psychologists – William Mc Dougall, Fritz Heider, Muzafer Sherif, Solomon Asch, Stanley Milgram, Michael Argyle, Serge Moscovici and Henri Tajfel
The Philosophers – John Dewey, George Herbert Mead, Edmund Husserl, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Michel Foucault, Daniel Dennett
The Psychopathologists – Emile Kraepelin and Sigmund Freud
Rom Harré is a Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford and Professor of Psychology at Georgetown University, Washington, DC