Many believe prayer has to be long, confusing, and drawn out affair. What they do not realize effective prayer can be as many words as the number of fingers on one hand. Prayer is the most powerful tool one can utilize when confronted with difficult situations. The problem is many people do not understand how to pray.
“Lord let me win”, is a prayer that inspired the writer to write this book during a conflict between two neighbors. It demonstrates no matter how complicated your problems are, prayer has the ability to let you rise higher emotionally, and spiritually. This book shows how a simple prayer changed one heart to believing there is a brighter day ahead.
The saying prayer changes things ring true in this story. It opened one heart allowing light to come in changing the perspective and approach of one-“Lord let me win”, the prayer was a neutralizer in the squabble. That was the winner.
If you want to have a new approach, eyes to see clearly, and ears to hear what the spirit is saying; a simple prayer of four words “Lord let me win” can give you the heart of a winner.
Lord, Lead Me To The Path
Building Confidence In God
The Lord Will Fight For You
When Troubles Come
Gaining Control Of The Situation
God Will Fight For You Follow The Leading Of The Spirit
Staying Positive
You Will Win Over The Adversaries
You Have To Use Your Faith
Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty
Believe That You Can and You Will
Attitude Matters
How You See Yourself
Finding Peace and Calmness
Ask For What You Want
Run The Race Intended For You
The Hidden Lessons In Situations
Selfless Love
Transitioning From Self-Reliance To Spirit Filled Winning
He Keeps The Best For Last
You Are In Control Not Your Circumstances
Books By Rose King
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