Rosemary Lloyd is Rudy Professor of French and Professor of Gender Studies and Adjunct Professor of Comparative Literature and English at Indiana University-Bloomington. She is the author, editor, and translator of several books, including Shimmering in a Transformed Light: Writing the Still Life, Mallarmé: The Poet and His Circle, and Closer and Closer Apart: Jealousy in Literature, all from Cornell.
3 电子书 Rosemary H. Lloyd
Rosemary H. Lloyd: Baudelaire’s World
Charles Baudelaire is often regarded as the founder of modernist poetry. Written with clarity and verve, Baudelaire’s World provides English-language readers with the biographical, historical, and cu …
Rosemary H. Lloyd: Closer and Closer Apart
Envy, Rosemary Lloyd says, involves what one would like to have but does not; jealousy, what one has but fears losing. Lloyd demonstrates in Closer and Closer Apart how the passion unleashed by jealo …
Rosemary H. Lloyd: Mallarme
Upon his death in 1898, the French Symbolist poet Stephane Mallarme (b. 1842) left behind a body of published work which though modest in quantity was to have a seminal influence on subsequent poetry …