作者: Rui-Sheng Wang

LUONAN CHEN, Ph D, is a full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Osaka Sangyo University, Osaka, Japan, and he is also the founding director of Institute of Systems Biology, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. Dr. Chen”s fields of interest include systems biology, bioinformatics, and nonlinear dynamics. RUI-SHENG WANG, Ph D, is an assistant professor in the School of Information, Renmin University of China. Dr. Wang”s research interests include bioinformatics, computational systems biology, and complex networks. XIANG-SUN ZHANG is a full research professor in the Institute of Applied Math-ematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Zhang”s research interests include bioinformatics, systems biology, optimization theory, and related computational mathematics.

1 电子书 Rui-Sheng Wang

Luonan Chen & Rui-Sheng Wang: Biomolecular Networks
Alternative techniques and tools for analyzing biomolecular networks With the recent rapid advances in molecular biology, high-throughput experimental methods have resulted in enormous amounts of dat …