作者: Russel Viljoen

Poonam Bala is visiting scholar at Cleveland State University (USA), and professor extraordinarius at UNISA (University of South Africa), South Africa. Russel Viljoen is professor of History at the University of South Africa, South Africa with expertise that relates to indigenous Khoikhoi Studies.

2 电子书 Russel Viljoen

Russel Viljoen: Khoikhoi, Microhistory, and Colonial Characters at the Cape of Good Hope
Microhistory unlocked new avenues of historical investigation and methodologies and helped uncover the past of individuals, an event, or a small community. Reclamation of ‘;lost histories’ of individ …
Poonam Bala & Russel Viljoen: Epidemic Encounters, Communities, and Practices in the Colonial World
The essays in this volume examine the nature and extent of disease on indigenous communities and local populations located within the vast regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans as a result of colo …