作者: Russell Phillips

Screenplay writer, stand-up comic, and actor Russell Phillips is a graduate of SMU’s Communications Program (Cinema Sequence) in Dallas, Texas. As a student, he earned a spot in visiting UCLA professor Richard Walter’s screenwriting seminar. Russell’s scripts helped him forge valuable industry contacts, but none of the projects quite came together. In the pursuit of stronger script writing skills, he acquired a robust library of how-to books and continued to register for available advanced learning courses—until he found Mitchell German’s Your Storytelling Potential Method.Russell was an early Plot Control user and Mega Course student. After many years away from creative writing, he revisited the Mega Course during the early days of the 2020 worldwide pandemic and found the message of Thematic Relevance powerfully resonant. He recognized that Mitchell German’s method was not a mere explanation of storytelling ideas, but a very different model for story construction. Today, Russell enthusiastically joins Mitchell to help bring the method Your Storytelling Potential Method to top professional and novice author-storytellers the world over. He currently resides in East Texas.

21 电子书 Russell Phillips

Russell Phillips: Flota en potencia. La armada austrohúngara ante la Primera Guerra Mundial
Un listado completo y detallado de los barcos que conformaron la Armada austrohúngara La Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine — la Armada austrohúngara – estaba aún en proceso de …
Russell Phillips: Una Flotta In Potenza. Le Navi Da Guerra Austro-Ungariche Della Prima Guerra Mondiale.
La Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine – Imperialregia Marina Militare – aveva raggiunto il suo apice all’inizio della Prima guerra mondiale, quando l’Arciduca Francesco Ferdinando e sua moglie …
Russell Phillips: Eine Bestehende Marine: Österreich-Ungarische Kriegsschiffe Des Ersten Weltkrieges
Am Beginn des ersten Weltkrieges war die Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine, die österreich-ungarische Marine, zu dem Krieg verpflichtet, als Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand und seine Frau Sophie an …
Russell Phillips: Red Steel: Carri armati sovietici e veicoli da combattimento della guerra fredda
La regola numero uno della pagina numero uno di un libro di guerra è ‘Non marciare su Mosca’. Diverse persone ci hanno provato, da Napoleone ad Hitler, e non è una buona cosa.  – …
Russell Phillips: MacOS Big Sur User Guide
Mac OS Big Sur is the new operating system for Mac OS that was officially released on June 22, 2020 and made available to the general public on November 12, 2020. Mac OS Big Sur is the 17th version …
Russell Phillips: AFV Alphabet