Born in an Italian city called Livorno, Martina spent her childhood peeling her knees, falling down from the bike and drawing a lot, encouraged by her grandma who used to give her lots of crayons! After she discovered a passion for comic books, she decided to start her studies as an illustrator and later to move to the UK where she improved her skills with fine arts and digital techniques.
4 电子书 Sarah Sommer
Sarah Sommer: The Goose on the Roof
When one little girl tries to solve a big problem involving a goose on her roof, she enlists the help of her animal friends. Despite her best efforts, things don’t go as planned, and she ends up with …
Sarah Sommer: Die Intertextualität zwischen Simon Dachs ‘Mey-Liedchen’ und Martin Opitz’ ‘Ach Liebste / laß vns eilen’
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Germanistik – Komparatistik, Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Note: 1, 5, Universität Stuttgart (Institut für Literaturwissenschaft), Sprache: Deut …
Sarah Sommer: Animals at the Office
It’s Gator’s first day at his new office job, and he is surrounded by quirky personalities like the slow slug, the obedient dog, the aggressive hawk, and the chatty chicken. He is eager to fit i …
Sarah Sommer & Thomas Schaufelberger: Vom Staatsbeamten zur Team-Pfarrerin
Die Ausbildung der reformierten Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrer ist politisch. Nicht nur, weil das «Konkordat», das die Ausbildung regelt, auf kantonale Regierungen zurückgeht, sondern auch, weil die 160-jä …