Sebastian Kunert is a Managing Partner at the consultancy “artop – Institute” at Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany. Furthermore, he is Professor for Human Resources and Organizational Studies at Business and Information Technology School, Berlin. He graduated in Psychology and received his doctoral degree from Humboldt-University Berlin. His main research interests focus on innovation management ecosystems, organizational culture, leadership, project management, and evaluation.
3 电子书 Sebastian Kunert
Sebastian Kunert: Strategies in Failure Management
This book offers a comprehensive overview of failure in business, management and consulting. It features contributions by experts from diverse fields, who share unique insights from their real-life e …
Wolfgang Scholl & Frank Schmelzer: Mut zu Innovationen
Wie können Innovationsprojekte erfolgreicher gestaltet werden? Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Innovationsmanagements liegen oft weit auseinander: Zwar werden zunehmend Innovationen begonnen, viele Pro …
Sebastian Kunert: Failure Management
Dieses Werk bietet den ersten umfassenden Überblick über das Thema Scheitern in Wirtschaft und Management. Exzellente Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Wirtschaft, dem Sport, dem Bildungsse …