作者: Seongjin Jeong

Marcello Musto é professor de Sociologia na York University, em Toronto. Em português é autor de “O velho Marx: uma biografia de seus últimos anos” (Boitempo, 2018), “Repensar Marx e marxismos: Guia para Novas Leituras” (Boitempo, 2022) e “Karl Marx. Biografia intelectual e política 1857-1883” (Expressão Popular, 2023). A sua obra – disponível em www.marcellomusto.org – foi traduzida mundialmente em 25 idiomas.

7 电子书 Seongjin Jeong

Robert Albritton & Seongjin Jeong: Varieties of Alternative Economic Systems
In this age of overlapping and mutually reinforcing deep global crises (financial convulsions, global warming, mass migrations, militarism, inequality, selfish nation-states, etc.), there needs to be …
Robert Albritton & Seongjin Jeong: Varieties of Alternative Economic Systems
In this age of overlapping and mutually reinforcing deep global crises (financial convulsions, global warming, mass migrations, militarism, inequality, selfish nation-states, etc.), there needs to be …
Martin Hart-Landsberg & Seongjin Jeong: Marxist Perspectives on South Korea in the Global Economy
This volume brings together work by international scholars to provide a unique analysis of the past, present and possible future trajectory of Korea”s political economy from a distinctly Marxist …
Martin Hart-Landsberg & Seongjin Jeong: Marxist Perspectives on South Korea in the Global Economy
This volume brings together work by international scholars to provide a unique analysis of the past, present and possible future trajectory of Korea”s political economy from a distinctly Marxist …
Professor Masao (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Ishikura & Professor Seongjin (Gyeongsang National University, South Korea) Jeong: Return of Marxian Macro-dynamics in East Asia
The economic growth in East Asia has been believed to be the model case of the triumph of capitalism. Some progressive economists, for example, the developmental state theorists, also praised the Eas …
Professor Masao (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) Ishikura & Professor Seongjin (Gyeongsang National University, South Korea) Jeong: Return of Marxian Macro-dynamics in East Asia
The economic growth in East Asia has been believed to be the model case of the triumph of capitalism. Some progressive economists, for example, the developmental state theorists, also praised the Eas …
Amy E. Wendling & Ellen Meiksins Wood: O renascimento de Marx
O planeta está em profunda crise por causa do capitalismo e Karl Marx está sendo redescoberto em no mundo todo como o pensador que nos forneceu a crítica mais perspicaz. O renascimento de Marx é o …