Yingxue Zhao received his Ph.D. degree in Management Sciences and En- gineering from Institute of Systems Science, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in 2010. He is currently associate professor of Supply Chain Management at School of International Trade and Economics of University of International Business and Economics. He has received some academic awards including the “Outstanding Paper Award” awarded by IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) and the “Excellent Research Award for Scientific Research of Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences)” awarded by Ministry of Education of China. His research interests mainly focus on Supply Chain Management, particularly on Supply Chain Contract. His research papers have been published in journals including Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, and International Journal of Production Economics.
Xiaoge Meng received her Master degree in Mathematics from College of Science, Shantou University, in 2006. During the Master period, her research interests mainly focused on Complex Analysis and Harmonic Analysis. Research papers of the relevant fields have been published in journals including Abstract and Applied Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, and Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. Currently, as a Ph.D. student of School of Economics and Management at Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, her research interests have transferred to the area of Supply Chain Management. Over the years, she has received some academic awards including the “Excellent Paper Award” awarded by the 10th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Logistics Society (CLS).
Shouyang Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Operations Research from Institute of Systems Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1986. He is currently a Bairen distinguished professor of Management Science at Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of CAS and the Lotus distinguished professor of Management Science of Hunan University at Changsha. He is also an adjunct professor of over 30 universities in the world. He is/was the editor- in-chief, an area editor or a co-editor of 15 journals including Information and Management and Energy Economics. He was/is a guest editor for a special issue/volume of over 20 journals including European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, IIE Transactions, and Decision Support Systems. He has published 30 monographs and over 250 papers in leading journals. His current research interests include Supply Chain Management, Financial Engineering, Economic Forecasting, and Decision Analysis.
T. C. Edwin Cheng is Dean of the Faculty of Business, Fung Yiu King Wing Hang Bank Endowed Professor in Business Administration, and Chair Professor of Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained a B.Sc.[Eng](First Class Honours) from the University of Hong Kong, an M.Sc. from the University of Birmingham, U.K., and a Ph.D. and an Sc.D. from the University of Cambridge, U.K. He has previously taught in Canada, England, and Singapore. Prof. Cheng”s research interests are in Operations Management and Operations Research. He has published over 600 papers in such journals as California Management Review, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Operations Research, Organization Science, Production and Operations Management, and SIAM Journal on Optimization. He has co-authored 11 books published by Chapman and Hall, Mc Graw-Hill, and Springer. He received the Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year Award from the Institute of Industrial Engineers, U.S.A., in 1992 and the Croucher Award (the top research award in Hong Kong) in 2001. He was named one of the “most cited scientists” in All Fields, in Business and Economics, in Computer Science, and in Engineering over the period 2004-2014 by the ISI Web of Science in 2015. A 2009 paper in the International Journal of Production Economics ranked him as the most productive researcher and the top 12th h-index researcher in Production/Operations Management in the world over the half-century 1959-2008. Over the years, Prof. Cheng has secured more than HK$50 million in research funding from both public and private sectors to support his diverse research programmes.
28 电子书 Shouyang Wang
Lean Yu & Shouyang Wang: Foreign-Exchange-Rate Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks
The foreign exchange market is one of the most complex dynamic markets with the characteristics of high volatility, nonlinearity and irregularity. Since the Bretton Woods System collapsed in 1970s, t …
T. C. Edwin Cheng & Jian Li: Postponement Strategies in Supply Chain Management
Postponement strategy is one of the major supply chain management (SCM) pr- tices that has a discernible impact on rms’ competitive advantage and organi- tional performance. Postponement is a mass cu …
Jian Li & Jia Chen: Risk Management of Supply and Cash Flows in Supply Chains
Risk management has become an essential issue in supply chain management, from the modeling of the decision maker’s risk preference, and the studies on uncertain elements such as demand, supply, pric …
Yingxue Zhao & Xiaoge Meng: Contract Analysis and Design for Supply Chains with Stochastic Demand
This book is devoted to analysis and design of supply chain contracts with stochastic demand. Given the extensive utilization of contracts in supply chains, the issues concerning contract analy …
Lean Yu & Shouyang Wang: Bio-Inspired Credit Risk Analysis
Credit risk analysis is one of the most important topics in the field of financial risk management. Due to recent financial crises and regulatory concern of Basel II, credit risk analysis has been th …
Yong Fang & Kin Keung Lai: Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization
Most of the existing portfolio selection models are based on the probability theory. Though they often deal with the uncertainty via probabilistic – proaches, we have to mention that the probabilisti …
Shashi K. Mishra & Shouyang Wang: Generalized Convexity and Vector Optimization
The present lecture note is dedicated to the study of the optimality conditions and the duality results for nonlinear vector optimization problems, in ?nite and in?nite dimensions. The problems inclu …
Yong Shi & Shouyang Wang: New State of MCDM in the 21st Century
This book provides cutting-edge research results and application experiences from researchers and practitioners in multiple criteria decision making areas. It consists of three parts: MCDM Found …
Bo Lu & Shouyang Wang: Container Port Production and Management
This book helps to solve the problem of substantial waste and inefficiency in port production by analyzing operational efficiency at more than 30 Chinese and Korean leading container ports using thre …
Bo Lu & Shouyang Wang: Critical Factors for Berth Productivity in Container Terminal
This book is a comparative study of the critical factors in berth productivity in Chinese and South Korean container terminals. It first defines the concept of berth productivity, and then establishe …
Yongmiao Hong & Xiangli Liu: Information Spillover Effect and Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models
This book studies the information spillover among financial markets and explores the intraday effect and ACD models with high frequency data. This book also contributes theoretically by providing a n …
Yongmiao Hong & Xiangli Liu: Information Spillover Effect and Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models
This book studies the information spillover among financial markets and explores the intraday effect and ACD models with high frequency data. This book also contributes theoretically by providing a n …
Shou Chen & Kin Keung Lai: Managing Risk of Supply Chain Disruptions
This book discusses important issues related to managing supply chain disruption risks from various perspectives. It explores the essence and principles relating to managing these risks and provides …
Shou Chen & Kin Keung Lai: Managing Risk of Supply Chain Disruptions
This book discusses important issues related to managing supply chain disruption risks from various perspectives. It explores the essence and principles relating to managing these risks and provides …
Kin Keung (Shaanxi Normal University, China) Lai & Shouyang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Wang: Forecasting Air Travel Demand
This book provides an updated, concise summary of forecasting air travel demand methodology. It looks at air travel demand forecasting research and attempts to outline the whole intellectual landscap …
Kin Keung (Shaanxi Normal University, China) Lai & Shouyang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Wang: Forecasting Air Travel Demand
This book provides an updated, concise summary of forecasting air travel demand methodology. It looks at air travel demand forecasting research and attempts to outline the whole intellectual landscap …
Jian Chai & Kin Keung Lai: Green Transportation and Energy Consumption in China
This book provides insights into China’s energy consumption and pollution as well as its energy saving policies. It explores energy saving ways and argues for an energy consumption revolution, which …
Jian Chai & Kin Keung Lai: Green Transportation and Energy Consumption in China
This book provides insights into China’s energy consumption and pollution as well as its energy saving policies. It explores energy saving ways and argues for an energy consumption revolution, which …
Jianping Li & Yi Peng: Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
MCDM 2009, the 20th International Conference on Multiple-Criteria Decision M- ing, emerged as a global forum dedicated to the sharing of original research results and practical development experience …
Shouyang Wang & Yusen Xia: Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing
In our daily life, almost every family owns a portfolio of assets. This portfolio could contain real assets such as a car, or a house, as well as financial assets such as stocks, bonds or futures. Po …
Kuikui Fan & Shouyang Wang: Candlestick Forecasting for Investments
Candlestick charts are often used in speculative markets to describe and forecast asset price movements. This book is the first of its kind to investigate candlestick charts and their statistical pro …
Kuikui Fan & Shouyang Wang: Candlestick Forecasting for Investments
Candlestick charts are often used in speculative markets to describe and forecast asset price movements. This book is the first of its kind to investigate candlestick charts and their statistical pro …
Kin Keung Lai & Shouyang Wang: Renminbi Exchange Rate Forecasting
With the internationalization of Renminbi (RMB), the gradual liberalization of China’s capital account and the recent reform of the RMB pricing mechanism, the RMB exchange rate has been volatile. Thi …
Kin Keung Lai & Shouyang Wang: Renminbi Exchange Rate Forecasting
With the internationalization of Renminbi (RMB), the gradual liberalization of China’s capital account and the recent reform of the RMB pricing mechanism, the RMB exchange rate has been volatile. Thi …
Tachia Chin & Chris Rowley: Digitalization and Asia-Pacific Business Models
Owing to the convergence of multiple cultures coupled with the unprecedented rapid development in the decades since the late 1990s, the value creation and innovation logic of Asia-Pacific business mo …
Tachia Chin & Chris Rowley: Digitalization and Asia-Pacific Business Models
Owing to the convergence of multiple cultures coupled with the unprecedented rapid development in the decades since the late 1990s, the value creation and innovation logic of Asia-Pacific business mo …