作者: Simon Tatz

Colin Tatz has been an Australian academic sociologist and political scientist since 1964. His main interests are comparative race politics, genocide studies, Aboriginal studies, migration, youth suicide, and sport history. He held chairs of Politics at the University of New England (Armidale, NSW) and at Macquarie University (Sydney) from 1971 to 1999, and has been a visiting scholar at ANU since 2004. He is the author of 26 books, including Aboriginal Suicide is Different: A Portrait of Life and Self-Destruction (2005). Simon  Tatz (BA Hons) has extensive experience in the health sectors in Australia, including Director of Public Health for the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and Director of Communications for Mental Health Australia. For over a decade Simon was senior advisor to senior federal parliamentarians, ministers and shadow ministers.  Simon writes essays and opinion pieces for a number of media outlets. The views expressed are personal and notattributable to any of my workplaces. 

1 电子书 Simon Tatz

Colin Tatz & Simon Tatz: The Sealed Box of Suicide
This unique book explores suicide as more than just a manner of death. It challenges the myths, beliefs, dogma, and customs of suicide from the earliest theories. It offers fresh insights into dark s …