Sonia Gojman-de-Millán es doctora en psicología por la Facultad de Psicología de la UNAM y fue secretaria general de la Federación Internacional de Sociedades Psicoanalíticas. Actualmente es responsable de proyectos de investigación del Seminario de Sociopsicoanálisis, A. C.
2 电子书 Sonia Gojman-de-Millan
Sonia Gojman-de-Millan & Christian Herreman: Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural Perspectives
Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural Perspectives brings together leading thinkers in attachment theory to explore its importance across cultural, clinical and social contexts and the application …
Sonia Gojman-de-Millan & Christian Herreman: Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural Perspectives
Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural Perspectives brings together leading thinkers in attachment theory to explore its importance across cultural, clinical and social contexts and the application …