In these ten stories, Steve Clark guides us through an urban terrain of relationships–marital and filial, romantic and bitter–exploring loss and longing in a timeless but modern cityscape. A man leaves his wife in bed with the flu and takes a walk through his past, encountering the dead and living, the real and surreal, on his last day alive in Paris.A couple, who’ve married each other three times, break up at an iconic New York piano bar. A wife casually confesses to a nonchalant husband that she’s kissed a young hockey player at a Thanksgiving party. A girl in high tops becomes oddly entangled with an aspiring artist who works as a bouncer…. Sometimes brash, sometimes poetic, usually humorous, these stories provoke thought, provide experience, and aim to delight.
A former Senior Editor for The Paris Review, Steve Clark published fiction in The Paris Review, and poems in various magazines. His first bilingual book of poems, From the Ashes (Desde las cenizas), was published to critical acclaim by Huerga y Fierro in Spain, March 2010. City Swimmers & Other Stories is his first collection of short stories. He lives in New York City.