Steve Midgley is senior minister of Christ Church Cambridge and executive director of Biblical Counselling UK. Steve is a conference speaker, a board member for the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, and a lecturer on biblical counseling at Oak Hill Theological College in London. He and his wife, Beth, have three adult children.
2 电子书 Steve Midgley
Christopher Ash & Steve Midgley: The Heart of Anger
How should Christians understand anger, evaluate it, and respond for good? We all struggle with anger at times: Our plans suddenly fall through, we lose a prized possession, or our reputation is call …
Helen Thorne & Steve Midgley: Saúde mental e sua igreja
Doenças mentais são bem mais comuns do que muitos de nós pensamos. As estatísticas indicam que uma em cada seis pessoas enfrentou um problema de saúde mental nesta última semana. Isso significa que h …