Presents thirteen studies that engage with the notion of formal function in a variety of ways
Among the more striking developments in contemporary North American music theory is the renewed centrality of issues of musical form
Formal Functions in Perspective presents thirteen studies that engage with musical form in a variety of ways. The essays, written by established and emerging scholars from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European continent, run the chronological gamut from Haydn and Clementito Leibowitz and Adorno; they discuss
Lieder, arias, and choral music as well as symphonies, concerti, and chamber works; they treat Haydn’s humor and Saint-Saëns’s politics, while discussions of particular pieces range from Mozart’s arias to Schoenberg’s
Verklärte Nacht. Running through the essays and connecting them thematically is the central notion of formal function.
CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Black, L. Poundie Burstein, Andrew Deruchie, Julian Horton, Steven Huebner, Harald Krebs, Henry Klumpenhouwer, Nathan John Martin, François de Médicis, Christoph Neidhöfer, Julie Pedneault-Deslauriers, Giorgio Sanguinetti, Janet Schmalfeldt, Peter Schubert, Steven Vande Moortele
Steven Vande Moortele is assistant professor of music theory at the University of Toronto. Julie Pedneault-Deslauriers is assistant professor of music at the University of Ottawa. Nathan John Martin is assistant professor of music at the University of Michigan.
‘Functional Formanality’: Twisted Formal Functions in Joseph Haydn’s Symphonies – L. Poundie Burstein
Mozart’s Sonata-Form Arias – Nathan John Martin
Formal Type and Formal Function in the Postclassical Piano Concerto – Julian Horton
Saint-Saen’s Cyclic Forms – Andrew Deruchie
Schubert’s ‘Deflected-Cadence’ Transitions and the Classical Style – Brian Black
‘Heavenly Length’ in Schubert’s Instrumental Music – Francois de Medicis
Sentences in the Lieder of Robert Schumann:The Relation to the Text – Harald Krebs
Parlante Talk: Texture and Formal Function in the Operas of Verdi – Steven Huebner
Discipline and Punish among the Winds in the First Movement of Beethoven’s First Symphony – Henry Klumpenhouwer
Laborious Homecomings: The ‘Ongoing Reprise’ from Clementi to Brahms – Giorgio Sanguinetti
Dominant Tunnels, Form, and Program in Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht – Julie Pedneault-Deslauriers
Form and Serial Function in Leibowitz’s Trois poèmes de Pierre Reverdy – Christoph Neidhofer
The Philosopher as Theorist: Adorno’s materiale Formenlehre – Steven Vande Moortele
Afterword – Janet Schmalfeldt
STEVEN HUEBNER is the James Mc Gill Professor (musicology) at the Schulich School of Music, Mc Gill University, Quebec, Canada.