An artist can animate the inanimate, delight with light, sooth with shadows. His brush wails with blue, dances with green, ignites with red and flies with yellow. Nature speaks through him her age old sagas like sweet lullabies to the mankind. A painting is nothing but a silent yet vibrant message of the nature. The sky, clouds, rivers, oceans, rocks, trees, mountains and all the creatures are divine deities to the artist and he is of course the priest. Before even the advent of language and scripts men started to sketch and paint; in that sense painting is mans oldest religion.
Civilized morals pervaded the earth but the Paleolithic ethos and Neolithic values still haunt an artistic soul. Art transcends human history and is immanent in every walks of human life. This book is a collection of selected works of a passionate artist who is trying to find out the deeper meaning and foundation of aesthetics and its impact on human consciousness.
Sketch book is Sumit’s best friend; pencils and brushes are his companions and nature is his master. He is a national award winning painter for watercolors. He is fluent in charcoal, flamboyant in watercolor, innovative in oil, acrylic and mixed media. A painter, poet, musician and a doctor.