Professionalism and Reflection in Veterinary Nursing offers insight into the role of the veterinary nurse in the 21st century. It provides useful information that facilitates a deeper understanding of the underlying theory that supports clinical nursing practice. Exploring concepts that underpin the delivery of professional veterinary nursing, the book covers core issues, themes and principles that explain what it means to be a veterinary nurse.
* The role of the registered veterinary nurse
* The registered veterinary nurse’s responsibility to the patient
* Evidence-based veterinary nursing
* Veterinary nurse trainer and educator resources
A timely publication due to the increased recognition and expectations of the role of the veterinary nursing profession, Professionalism and Reflection in Veterinary Nursing is ideal for veterinary student nurses and qualified veterinary nurses, enabling them to contribute to the development of the professional identity.
Notes on Contributors vii
About the Companion Website ix
Introduction 1
Sue Badger and Andrea Jeffery
1 The History of Veterinary Nursing in the UK 9
Sue Badger
2 The Professional and Political Context of Veterinary Nursing in the UK 19
Andrea Jeffery
3 The Professional RVN 30
Evie Yon, Perdi Welsh, and Hamish Morrin
4 Clinical Advocacy — The RVN’s Responsibility to the Patient and the Client 56
Kathy Kissick
5 The Veterinary Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Client 73
Jill Macdonald
6 The Veterinary Nurse Educator 105
Hilary Orpet and Andrea Jeffery
7 The Role of the RVN in Society 130
Rebecca Jones
8 The Reflective Practitioner 151
Sue Badger
9 The RVN’s Role in Evidence-Based Veterinary Nursing 173
Sarah Batt-Williams and Lyndsay Wade
Index 212
The Editors
Sue Badger MEd, Cert Ed, RVN veterinary nurse since 1976 with 18 years in clinical practice from small animal to mixed and exotic practice. Set up and ran the veterinary nursing course at the School of Veterinary Science at the University of Bristol. After more than two decades at the university, she took early retirement to concentrate on editorial work and education consultancy.
Andrea Jeffery Ed.D MSc Dip, AVN, Cert Ed, RVN trained orthopaedic nurse in the NHS and then a veterinary nurse. Worked in both primary care and referral specialist practice then became a veterinary nurse educator. At University of Bristol for 17 years as part of and as lead for the veterinary nursing undergraduate programmes. Joined Linnaeus in 2019 as the Chief Nursing Officer with the remit of developing a nursing strategy for the group.