作者: Susan K. Wood

Susan K. Wood, SCL, is chair of the department of theology at Marquette University. Active in ecumenical work, she serves on the U.S. Lutheran–Roman Catholic Dialogue, the U.S. Roman Catholic–Orthodox Theological Consultation, the conversation between the Roman Catholic Church and the Baptist World Alliance, and the International Lutheran–Roman Catholic Dialogue. She is an associate editor of Pro Ecclesia and serves on the editorial advisory board of the journal Ecclesiology. She is the author of Sacramental Orders (2000), and editor of Ordering the Baptismal Priesthood: Theologies of Lay and Ordained Ministry (2003) both published by Liturgical Press.

3 电子书 Susan K. Wood

Susan K. Wood: One Baptism
Most Christians would say that baptism is the one sacrament Christians of all denominations share, that it is the source of ecumenical unity among all Christian churches. But how true is that? Is the …
Susan K. Wood: Spiritual Exegesis and the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac
Henri De Lubac’s work on medieval exegesis and his ecclesiological works are too often studied in isolation from each other. In countering this tendency, Susan Wood argues that de Lubac’s work on spi …
Aleksandra Brand & Aaron Pidel: Die Heilige Schrift in der katholischen Kirche/Holy Scripture in the Catholic Church
Nach Dei Verbum haben Exegeten eine doppelte Aufgabe: Die Bedeutung der biblischen Texte in ihrem historischen Kontext bestimmen und die Schrift auch »in dem Geist lesen, in dem sie geschrieben wurde …