Felicia L. Wilczenski, Ed.D., is an Associate Professor on the faculty of the School Psychology Program and Director of the School Counseling Program in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology in the Graduate College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She is author of numerous articles addressing social and emotional interventions in K-12 settings. Dr. Wilczenski is interested in service learning applications in school-based mental health programs and incorporates service learning in her graduate courses. She has conducted research and published articles concerning service learning processes and outcomes.
Susan M. Coomey, M.Ed., is currently employed as a school psychologist in the Shrewsbury MA Public Schools and is a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research interests focus on service learning to promote social, emotional, and academic learning in K-12 settings. She has presented research at national and international service learning conferences.
1 电子书 Susan M. Coomey
Felicia L. Wilczenski & Susan M. Coomey: A Practical Guide to Service Learning
“School is so boring!I hate it!” “Why do I have to learn this stuff? I’ll never use it!” “What does this class have to do with anything?” As school psychologists and school counselors, how often do y …