Learn Latin American Spanish quickly and painlessly
The job market for those who are bilingual is expanding rapidly. Businesses and government agencies are hiring translators; retailers and advertisers are concentrating more energy in targeting the Spanish-speaking ; and hospitals and agencies are seeking to overcome language barriers.
Whether you’re a student studying Spanish, a traveler gearing up for a trip to a Spanish-speaking country and need to learn the basics, or a upwardly mobile looking to get ahead of the pack in your career by learning a second language, Spanish For Dummies, 2nd edition is your hands-on guide to quickly and painlessly learn Latin American Spanish that includes:
Expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations, and pronunciations
A refreshed and expanded mini-dictionary complete with even more essential vocabulary, exercises, and more
A revamped and expanded bonus CD-ROM that includes real-life dialogue to aid in your learning
Whether you’re looking to learn Spanish for use in the home, class, at the office, or on the go, Spanish For Dummies, 2nd edition has you covered!
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started 7
Chapter 1: Spanish in a Nutshell 9
Chapter 2: Warming Up with Spanish Grammar Basics 21
Chapter 3: Getting Started with Basic Expressions 41
Chapter 4: Getting Your Numbers, Times, and Measurements Straight 65
Chapter 5: Speaking Spanish at Home 85
Part II: Spanish in Action 111
Chapter 6: Getting to Know You: Making Small Talk 113
Chapter 7: Asking for Directions 127
Chapter 8: Dining Out and Going to the Market 141
Chapter 9: Shopping Made Easy 163
Chapter 10: Going Out on the Town 185
Chapter 11: Taking Care of Business and Telecommunications 199
Chapter 12: Recreation and the Great Outdoors 219
Part III: Spanish on the Go 237
Chapter 13: Planning a Trip 239
Chapter 14: Dealing with Money in a Foreign Land 249
Chapter 15: Getting Around: Planes, Trains, Taxis, and More 261
Chapter 16: Finding a Place to Stay 283
Chapter 17: Handling Emergencies 295
Part IV: The Part of Tens 315
Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Pick Up Spanish Quickly 317
Chapter 19: Ten Things Never to Say in Spanish 321
Chapter 20: Ten or So Favorite Spanish Expressions 325
Chapter 21: Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Fluent in Spanish 329
Part V: Appendixes 335
Appendix A: Mini-Dictionary 337
Appendix B: Verb Tables 365
Appendix C: On the CD 383
Appendix D: Answer Keys 385
Index 391
Berlitz® has taught languages to millions of people for more than 130 years. Susana Wald is a writer and literary translator in Hungarian, Spanish, English, and French, and she has taught abroad in Chile and Canada. Cecie Kraynak, MA, has taught and tutored Spanish at the junior high school and college levels for more than 25 years. She is the author of Spanish Verbs For Dummies.