T. Suzanne Eller and her husband, Richard, live in Oklahoma and are parents of three twentysomething children. A speaker and writer, Suzanne is active in youth and young–adult/career ministry. In addition to authoring the groundbreaking book The Mom I Want to Be to help moms leave behind the baggage of the past and build a great future for their kids, Suzanne also contributes to a variety of magazines, including Guideposts, Today”s Christian Woman, and Focus on the Family.
2 电子书 T. Suzanne Eller
T. Suzanne Eller: Woman I Am Becoming
Fresh from her ground-breaking book The Mom I Want to Be, speaker and young-adult mentor Suzie Eller offers 18-to-29-year-old women an honest, faith-filled look at the journey to maturity. In The Wom …
T. Suzanne Eller: Mom I Want to Be
A woman’s experience as a mother is influenced by the mothering she received as a child. If neglect was a part of that upbringing, the woman who holds a newborn and faces the responsibility of parent …