Shirr-ha’s life is about to make an abrupt shift from the comforts of her space home and human family to a strange new alien world of sensual excess and every kind of decadence. Forced to watch as her brothers and parents are mercilessly butchered, she is kidnapped by fierce alien warriors of the Kilmayar and other tribes and brought to the palace of a powerful hybrid alien warlord, where she learns about forbidden pleasures she has never even dreamed of before.
M. Shalimar fell in love with, and became addicted to, erotica as a young adult when she chanced upon her father’s cache of Victorian underground classics. Curiosity overcame propriety, and it wasn’t long before she had read every one of the secreted books in her father’s collection. Of course, she never let him know she had discovered his secret, but after that, she went on to collect her own stash of erotica. Her personal favorites are A Man With a Maid (Anon) and the Beauty trilogy by A.N. Roquelaure, a.k.a. Anne Rice.
Today, M. lives with her very own Prince Charming on a large tract of land in the Central Texas Hill Country, where they have created and maintain a small wildlife refuge. M. also loves gardening, art, reading sci-fi and collecting fairy and angel bric-a-brac. The Shirr-ha’s Empire series is Shalimar’s first published erotica, though she has written many other stories for her love and her to enjoy together in private moments.