Dr. Temple Grandin is a doctor of animal science, a professor at Colorado State University, a best-selling author, an autism activist, and a consultant on animal behavior. She also invented the ‘hug box’, a device to calm the sensory systems of those on the autism spectrum. The subject of an award-winning, 2010 biographical film, Temple Grandin, she also was listed in the Time 100 list of the one hundred most influential people in the world in the ‘Heroes’ category.
Have you even wanted to talk to Temple about the sensory issues people with autism, Asperger’s, PDD and Sensory Processing Disorder deal with? Here, in this handy reference book, Temple gives a overview of what it is like to have autism and sensory difficulties, tells how she overcame her sensory issues, gives useful tips, then answers your questions in an easy to reference Q&A.
The Importance of Stretching and Choices
Basic Skills
1950s Upbringing Taught Social Skills
Desensitization to Loud Sounds
Using Teachable Moments
Consistent Discipline is Essential
Teaching Interaction with Others
Eccentricity and Good Careers
Learning to Control Anger
Dealing with Sensory Issues
Auditory Processing Problems
Attention-Shifting Slowness
Visual Image Fragmentation
Visual Reading Problems
Problems with Sensory Research
Difficulties with Screening Out Background Stimulation
Environmental Enrichment Sensory Therapy
Brain Research Validates Sensory Issues
Brain May Be Either More Thinking or More Social
My Brain Scans
Build and Encourage the Child’s Strength
Forming Concepts
How I Learned my Thinking was Different
Will Our Educational System Sideline Smart Kids?
Different Kinds of Minds
Learning to Drive
Special Interests I could Share with Peers
Understanding Abstract Concepts
Is Autistic Learning Simply Scripting?
Teaching Number Concepts and Position Words
Socialization Through Shared Activities
The Importance of Categorizing Behavior Problems
Environmental Enrichment Therapy
Hidden Medical Problems Cause Behavior Problems
Deep-Pressure Reduces Anxiety
Family History
Questions and Answers with Temple
General Sensory Questions
My History and Experiences
Life Skills
Non Verbal
Education and Learning
Squeeze Machine
Annotated Important Further Reading
Dr. Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American doctor of animal science, a professor at Colorado State University, a best-selling author, an autistim activist, and a consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior. She also created the ‘hug box’, a device to calm those on the autism spectrum. The subject of an award-winning, 2010 biographical film, Temple Grandin, she also was listed in the Time 100 list of the one hundred most influential people in the world in the ‘Heroes’ category.