Teresa Radziejewska, professor at the University of Szczecin, specialising in benthic meiofauna and deep-sea ecology; participated in research on Pacific’s Clarion- Clipperton Zone polymetallic nodule
field as well as in a number of projects associated with activities of the International Seabed Authority activities.
Jan Marcin Węsławski, professor at Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Oceanology, specialising in marine ecology and climate-biodiversity relationships; most of his research is focused on the European Arctic, including deep North Atlantic areas.
Michał Tomczak – Ph D, chief geologist at the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, scientific chief of the Polish contract with the International Seabed Authority for exploration of seafloor massive sulphides (SMS) within the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
3 电子书 Teresa Radziejewska
Teresa Radziejewska: Meiobenthos in the Sub-equatorial Pacific Abyss
Against the backdrop of the environmental setting of the subequatorial NE Pacific abyssal plain, the book will characterise the meiobenthos as an ecological category in the deep sea and introduce res …
Teresa Radziejewska & Hendrik Schubert: Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea
This is the first comprehensive science-based textbook on the biology and ecology of the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s largest brackish water bodies. The aim of this book is to provide students and …
Teresa Radziejewska & Jan Marcin Węsławski: The Natural Environment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The book presents the first comprehensive description of parts of the Mid-Atlantic ridge subject to a contract for polymetallic sulphide exploration between the International Seabed Authority and the …