Theodore B. Creighton is currently a Professor and Program Leader in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Virginia Tech. Prior to joining the faculty at Virginia Tech, he served as Director of the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership at Sam Houston State University and as a Professor in Educational Leadership at Idaho State University. His background includes teaching at all grade levels in Washington, D.C.; Cleveland, Ohio; and Los Angeles, California. His administrative experience includes serving as principal and superintendent in both Fresno and Kern Counties, California. He holds a BS degree in teacher education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a master′s degree in educational administration from California State University Long Beach, and a doctorate from the University of California Davis. Though active in many professional organizations, he devotes considerable time to his role as Executive Director of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. He also serves as a member of the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA), and as a Stafford Faculty Fellow for the National Institute on Leadership, Disabilities and Students Placed at Risk (NILDSPAR). He recently was appointed as Project Director of the Connexions Knowledge Base Project, an international initiative in collaboration with Rice University charged with assembling the knowledge base in educational administration. His research includes examining the forces of the school principalship, and he is widely published in the area of schools with alternative forms of school leadership.
3 电子书 Theodore B. Creighton
Theodore B. Creighton: Schools and Data
Praise for the First Edition: ‘Creighton′s descriptions of the applicability and helpfulness of statistics for educators is especially strong. His use of plain language and school-based examples is c …
Theodore B. Creighton: Leading From Below the Surface
‘Creighton gets leaders to look further and more deeply at what is going on within an organization. He clearly demonstrates that looking ′below the surface′ at motivations, struggles, and challenges …
Theodore B. Creighton: Schools and Data
Praise for the First Edition: "Creighton’s descriptions of the applicability and helpfulness of statistics for educators is especially strong. His use of plain language and school-based examples …