Walter C. Kaiser Jr. is the Colman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and former President of Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton, Massachusetts). Previously he served as professor of Old Testament and vice president for education at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, Illinois). He is a popular evangelical scholar who has written numerous books on the Old Testament and regularly teaches at conferences and churches around the world.#Tiberius Rata is associate dean of the School of Ministry Studies and professor of Old Testament studies at Grace Seminary (Winona Lake, Indiana). He holds a Ph D in Old Testament from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, Illinois).
4 电子书 Tiberius Rata
Tiberius Rata & Kevin Roberts: Fear God and Keep His Commandments: A Practical Exposition of Ecclesiastes
Solomon, the wisest man in history, was Israel’s third king. While his name does not appear as the author of Ecclesiastes, his fingerprints are all over the book. His words challenge and encourage th …
Walter C. Kaiser Jr.: Walking the Ancient Paths
‘Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it.’ (Jeremiah 6:16)In Walking the Ancient Path, distinguished Old Testament scholar Walter C. Kaiser Jr. draws on a lifetime of stu …
Tiberius Rata: Comentários do Antigo Testamento – Esdras e Neemias
Tiberius Rata forneceu à Igreja uma síntese esclarecedora, escrita de forma clara, dos livros muitas vezes negligenciados de Esdras e Neemias. O estilo do autor é conciso e de fácil leitura; ele mant …