Curious about the game of cricket? Start here!
Cricket For Dummies, Third Edition will help you understand the basics of cricket, the internationally popular sport that has leagues around the globe. With this guide, you can enjoy watching matches, and even set up a casual game with friends. The book includes clear explanations of the rules, step-by-step guides to strategy and tactics, and info on all the most popular tournaments around the globe. Learn about the cricket greats of today and yesterday, plus get updates on the latest developments, including Major League Cricket and the Cricket World Cup. This new edition of Cricket For Dummies is a fascinating and thorough introduction to the sport, in the classic, easy-to-understand Dummies style.
* Learn the laws of cricket so you can watch games and follow league play
* Set up a game of cricket and play with your friends
* Get the latest updates in the cricket world, including upcoming must-watch tournaments
* Figure out the strategies and techniques that make cricket so interesting
Cricket For Dummies, Third Editionis a valuable resource for new fans who want to understand the game of cricket.
Introduction 1
Part 1: Getting Started with Cricket 5
Chapter 1: Taking In the Joy of Cricket 7
Chapter 2: Getting to Grips with the Basics 19
Chapter 3: From 10 Overs to 5 Days: The Many Formats of Cricket 47
Chapter 4: Becoming a Cricket Fan 69
Part 2: Welcome to Planet Cricket 93
Chapter 5: Grasping the Global Rivalries 95
Chapter 6: Taking in Big International Tournaments 119
Chapter 7: Domestic Men’s and Women’s Cricket 141
Chapter 8: Cricket Lands in the United States 167
Part 3: Playing the Game 193
Chapter 9: Grabbing the Right Gear: Cricket Equipment 195
Chapter 10: Honing Your Batting Skills 213
Chapter 11: Making It Big as a Bowler 245
Chapter 12: Fielding Made Easy 271
Chapter 13: Talking Tactics: Captaining a Cricket Team 293
Chapter 14: Talented Training and Cricket Coaching 319
Part 4: The Part of Tens 337
Chapter 15: Ten Greatest Ever Cricketers 339
Chapter 16: Ten Most Memorable Cricket Matches 347
Chapter 17: Ten Mind-boggling Cricket Feats 355
Index 363
Julian Knight is a former BBC journalist and newspaper editor. Julian has authored several Dummies titles including the first and second editions of Cricket For Dummies. He has over 30 years experience as a club cricketer and is a former coach and captain of Blackheath Cricket Club.
Tom Dunmore is a sports writer and executive, currently helping to launch Major League Cricket in the United States. He is a co-author of the second and third editions of Soccer For Dummies. Tom grew up in England playing cricket but has now spent over two decades in America introducing the sport to new fans.