Tommy Bengtsson is Professor of Economic History and Demography at Lund University. He is also Director of the Centre for Economics Demography, same university, since 2006. Bengtsson has in recent years been co-author and co-editor of several books released at internationally distinguished publishers (MIT Press, OUP and Springer), and one of which received a prize from the American Sociological Association as Outstanding Book on Asia 2005. He has also had several articles published in international and well-known journals applying peer-review selection, and is co-editor for a special publication series at MIT Press. His international publications include Population, Economy and Welfare in Sweden (Springer–Verlag 1994), Population and Economy (Oxford University Press 2000, 2nd ed. 2003), Life Under Pressure (MIT Press 2004), Living Standards in the Past (Oxford University Press 2005), and Kinship and Demographic Behaviour in the Past (Springer 2008).
7 电子书 Tommy Bengtsson
Tommy Bengtsson & Geraldine P. Mineau: Kinship and Demographic Behavior in the Past
The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population’s Panel on Historical Demography applies a historical perspective, such as the importance of kinship networks for demographic outcomes l …
Tommy Bengtsson & Nico Keilman: Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting
This open access book describes methods of mortality forecasting and discusses possible improvements. It contains a selection of previously unpublished and published papers, which together provide a …
Tommy Bengtsson: Population Ageing – A Threat to the Welfare State?
Tommy Bengtsson Population ageing, the shift in age distribution towards older ages, is of immense global concern. It is taking place to a varying degree all over the world, more in Europe and some A …
Robert C. Allen & Tommy Bengtsson: Living Standards in the Past
Why did Europe experience industrialisation and modern economic growth before China, India or Japan? This is one of the most fundamental questions in Economic History and one that has provoked intens …
Tommy Bengtsson & Cameron Campbell: Life under Pressure
A pioneering work in comparative history and social science that compares population behavior in response to adversity in Europe and Asia.This highly original book-the first in a series analyzing his …
Tommy Bengtsson: Population, Economy, and Welfare in Sweden
Tommy Bengtsson The Swedish welfare model of the 1960s and 1970s excited great interest among many other countries. Today it still is an ideal image for some but a warning for many others. The reason …
George Alter & James Z. Lee: Prudence and Pressure
A study of human reproduction and social organization in preindustrial communities that reveals important similarities between Europe and Asia.This pioneering study reconceptualizes the impact of soc …