Want to build an evolutionary tree? Here’s your chance to learn how. The field of bioinformatics was born out of the need to manage, analyze, and examine raw genomic data in meaningful and exciting ways, such as the discipline of computational phylogenetics would provide. The evolutionary inferences reached among the several peer-reviewed articles contained in this book are neither novel nor breakthrough. However, it is in the application of computational techniques, experiment design, and probabilistic models where this research finds a stronghold. As a matter of practicality, the original manuscripts have been edited for a broader audience due to its highly technical language. The essays compiled in these pages have undergone a facelift, from their original scientific format into a more reader-friendly layout, as to better accommodate two different perspectives – both experts and non-experts alike.
With a diverse background in the life sciences and other technology related fields, Tommy Rodriguez has spent more than a decade putting his research from pen to paper. Submiting and publishing his work through various internationally-known peer-reviewed journals, he compiled much of his research in computational phylogenetics to share with you.