Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer, Universität Kassel, Leiter des Fachgebietes “Globalisierung & Politik” Prof. Dr. Bernd Overwien, Universität Kassel, Leiter des Fachgebietes “Didaktik der Politischen Bildung” Thomas Dürmeier, Diplom-Volkswirt, Universität Kassel – wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt – Lehrbeauftragter
3 电子书 Trevor Evans
Daniel Detzer & Nina Dodig: The German Financial System and the Financial and Economic Crisis
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the development of the German financial system, with a particular focus on financialization and the financial crisis, topics that have increasingly gained …
Trevor Evans: Challenge of Change
The Challenge of Change: Report of a Conference on Technological Change and Human Development at Jerusalem, 1969 focuses on the relationship of the advance of technology and human development. The ma …
Trevor Evans: My Lady
Mary sat with her hairbrush in her hand, looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled at her reflection and said to herself ‘he’s retired, he’s now all mine, he doesn’t have to answer to the company …