作者: Trisha Maynard

Sacha Powell is Professor of Early Childhood Care and Education, and Director of the Research Centre for Children, Families and Communities at Canterbury Christ Church University. Her research focuses on policies and practices in the care and education of babies and children up to three. Her recent publications include the Routledge International Handbook of Philosophies and Theories of Early Childhood Education and Care (2016). Sacha is Chair of the UK’s Association for Professional Development in Early Years (www.tactyc.org.uk) and a member of the Research Committee of The Froebel Trust (www.froebel.org.uk). Her first degree was in Modern Chinese with Japanese and she continues to collaborate with colleagues in early childhood settings, universities and local education bureaus in China.

6 电子书 Trisha Maynard

Trisha Maynard: Boys and Literacy
In recent years the issue of boys and literacy, namely that they are worse at it compared to girls, has become a key area of interest to all those concerned with the education of our children. This b …
Trisha Maynard & Jane Waters: Exploring Outdoor Play in the Early Years
Outdoor play is a significant and essential aspect of a young child’s development and enjoys a renewed emphasis in early years practice, in keeping with the core principles embedded within the early …
Trisha Maynard: Boys and Literacy
In recent years the issue of boys and literacy, namely that they are worse at it compared to girls, has become a key area of interest to all those concerned with the education of our children. This b …
Trisha Maynard: Boys and Literacy
In recent years the issue of boys and literacy, namely that they are worse at it compared to girls, has become a key area of interest to all those concerned with the education of our children. This b …
John Furlong & Trisha Maynard: Mentoring Student Teachers
In the UK and elsewhere, the training of teachers is increasingly seen as a matter of partnership between schools and institutions of higher education. There is thus an urgent need within the profess …
John Furlong & Trisha Maynard: Mentoring Student Teachers
In the UK and elsewhere, the training of teachers is increasingly seen as a matter of partnership between schools and institutions of higher education. There is thus an urgent need within the profess …