Plant disease management remains an important component of plant pathology and is more complex today than ever before including new innovation in diagnostic kits, the discovery of new modes of action of chemicals with low environmental impact, biological control agents with reliable and persistent activity, as well as the development of new plant varieties with durable disease resistance. This book is a collection of invited lectures given at the 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2008), held in Torino, August 24-29, 2008 and is part of a series of volumes on Plant Pathology in the 21st Century. It focuses on new developments of disease management and provides an updated overview of the state of the art given by world experts in the different fields of disease management. The different chapters deal with basic aspects of disease management, mechanisms of action of biological control agents, innovation in fungicide application, exploitation of natural compounds and resistance strategies. Moreover, the management of soil-borne diseases and disease management in organic farming are covered.
Concepts in Chemical Control.- The Challenges of Chemical Control of Plant Diseases.- Novel Tools to Identify the Mode of Action of Fungicides as Exemplified with Fluopicolide.- Qo I Fungicide Resistance: Current Status and the Problems Associated with DNA-Based Monitoring.- Regulatory Aspects in Chemical Control of Fungal Diseases: Impact on Efficient Plant Production.- Concepts in Biological Control of Plant Pathogens.- The Roles of Cyclic Lipopeptides in the Biocontrol Activity of Bacillus subtilis.- Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens and Plant Growth Promotion by Bacillus.- Importance of Multitrophic Interactions for Successful Biocontrol of Plant Parasitic Nematodes with Paecilomyces lilacinus Strain 251.- Interactions Between Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata, Fusarium oxysporum and Cucumber Roots Leading to Biological Control of Fusarium Root and Stem Rot.- Screening of Biocontrol Agents for Control of Foliar Diseases.- Quorum Sensing as a Target for Novel Biocontrol Strategies Directed at Pectobacterium.- The Status of Biological Control of Plant Diseases in Soilless Cultivation.- REBECA – EU-Policy Support Action to Review Regulation of Biological Control Agents.- Fungal Disease Management in Organic Apple Orchards: Epidemiological Aspects and Management Approaches.- Natural Compounds.- Exploitation of Natural Compounds in Eco-Friendly Management of Plant Pests.- Regulation and Functional Analysis of Bioprotective Metabolite Genes from the Grass Symbiont Epichloe festucae.- Soilborne Plant Diseases and their Control.- IPM for Soilborne Disease Management for Vegetable and Strawberry Crops in SE USA.- Integrated Control of Soilborne Pathogens of Wheat.- Challenges in Controlling Verticillium Wilt by the Use of Nonchemical Methods.- Soil Solarization – 30 Years On:What Lessons Have Been Learned?.- Back to the Future: Total System Management (Organic, Sustainable).- Global Phaseout of Methyl Bromide Under the Montreal Protocol: Implications for Bioprotection, Biosecurity and the Ozone Layer.- Accelerated Degradation of Soil Fumigants: Occurrence and Agricultural Consequences.- Recent Developments in Disease Management.- Plant Breeding and Resistance Strategies.- Worldwide Monitoring Systems: The Need for Public and Private Collaboration.- Identification of New Sources of Resistance to Soybean Rust.
Ulrich Gisi is a professor of plant pathology and soil ecology at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and a long experienced scientist and expert in agrochemical industry (Syngenta) for fungicide mode of action, resistance and population biology.
Ilan Chet is a professor of microbiology. He was dean V.P. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, and President of the Weizman Institute. Professor Chet is recipient of the Wolf, Israel, Rothschild, EMT and Max Planck prizes.
Maria Lodovica Gullino is a professor of plant pathology at the University of Torino and President of the International Society for Plant Pathology. She has long term experience in plant disease management.