Carte de copii bilingvă (română – engleză), cu audio și video online
‘Lebedele sălbatice’ de Hans Christian Andersen nu este degeaba unul dintre cele mai citite basme din lume. În formă atemporală tematizează materia din care sunt dramele noastre omenesti: frica, vitejia, dragostea, trădarea, despărțirea și regăsirea.
♫ Ascultați povestea citită de vorbitori nativi! În carte veți găsi un link care vă oferă acces gratuit la cărți audio și videoclipuri în ambele limbi.
Bilingual children's picture book (Romanian – English), with online audio and video
‘The Wild Swans’ by Hans Christian Andersen is, with good reason, one of the world's most popular fairy tales. In its timeless form it addresses the issues out of which human dramas are made: fear, bravery, love, betrayal, separation and reunion.
The edition at hand is a lovingly illustrated picture book recounting Andersen’s fairy tale in a sensitive and child-friendly form. It has been translated into a multitude of languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.
♫ Listen to the story read by native speakers! Within the book you'll find a link that gives you free access to audiobooks and videos in both languages.
► With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
Hans Christian Andersen was born in the Danish city of Odense in 1805, and died in 1875 in Copenhagen. He gained world fame with his literary fairy-tales such as ‘The Little Mermaid’, ‘The Emperor's New Clothes’ and ‘The Ugly Duckling’. The tale at hand, ‘The Wild Swans’, was first published in 1838. It has been translated into more than one hundred languages and adapted for a wide range of media including theater, film and musical.
Ulrich Renz s-a născut în anul 1960 în Stuttgart (Germania). A studiat literatura franceză în Paris. A studiat medicină în Lübeck, după accea a fost director al unei edituri științifice. Astăzi lucrează Renz ca publicist liber, pe lângă cărți de specialitate scrie cărți pentru copii și adolescenți.
Marc Robitzky, born in 1973, studied at the Technical School of Art in Hamburg and the Academy of Visual Arts in Frankfurt. He works as a freelance illustrator and communication designer in Aschaffenburg (Germany).