作者: United Kingdom) Pennington Adrian (The IBC Daily


2 电子书 United Kingdom) Pennington Adrian (The IBC Daily

Carolyn (The Hollywood Reporter, Los Anglees, CA, USA) Giardina & Adrian (The IBC Daily, United Kingdom) Pennington: Exploring 3D
The vanguard of the 3D film and TV industry explains why 3D stereo techniques should become a staple visual storytelling tool, on par with lighting, set design, or sound. Words of wisdom from Jeffrey …
Carolyn (The Hollywood Reporter, Los Anglees, CA, USA) Giardina & Adrian (The IBC Daily, United Kingdom) Pennington: Exploring 3D
The vanguard of the 3D film and TV industry explains why 3D stereo techniques should become a staple visual storytelling tool, on par with lighting, set design, or sound. Words of wisdom from Jeffrey …