作者: USA) Humphreys Paul (University of Virginia


2 电子书 USA) Humphreys Paul (University of Virginia

Paul (University of Virginia, USA) Humphreys & Cyrille (CNRS Researcher, Archives Poincare, Universite Nancy 2, France) Imbert: Models, Simulations, and Representations
Although scientific models and simulations differ in numerous ways, they are similar in so far as they are posing essentially philosophical problems about the nature of representation. This collectio …
Paul (University of Virginia, USA) Humphreys & Cyrille (CNRS Researcher, Archives Poincare, Universite Nancy 2, France) Imbert: Models, Simulations, and Representations
Although scientific models and simulations differ in numerous ways, they are similar in so far as they are posing essentially philosophical problems about the nature of representation. This collectio …