Valerio Magrelli (Rome, 1957) is the author of six poetry collections, for which he has won among other prizes the Mondello, the Viareggio, the Montale and the Premio Antonio Feltrinelli-Accademia dei Lincei: Ora serrata retinae (Feltrinelli, 1980), Nature e venature (Mondadori, 1987), Esercizi di tiptologia (Mondadori, 1992), Didascalie per la lettura di un giornale (Einaudi, 1999), and Disturbi del sistema binario (Einaudi, 2006), and Il sangue amaro (Einaudi, 2014). He has published four books of prose: Nel condominio di carne (Einaudi 2002), La vicevita. Treni e viaggi in treno (Laterza 2009), Addio al calcio (Einaudi 2010), and Geologia di un padre (Einaudi 2013), as well as critical studies on Dadaism, Paul Valéry, Charles Baudelaire and notable translations of Molière, Beaumarchais, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Debussy, Koltès, and Barthes. | Clarissa Botsford has worked in the fields of teaching, intercultural education, editing, translating and publishing and is also a singer, violinist, and lay celebrant. She currently teaches English and Translation Studies at Rome University. In 2014, her translation of the novel Sworn Virgin by Elvira Dones was published by And Other Stories.
4 电子书 Valerio Magrelli
Valerio Magrelli: Condominium of the Flesh
A darkly humorous exploration of the human body and its various functions in poetic prose, Valerio Magrelli’s The Condominium of the Flesh, a personal chronicle of his clinical experience, catalogues …
Tiziano Broggiato & Anna Buoninsegni: Le città dell’anima. I luoghi dei poeti
In questa antologia alcuni tra i principali poeti italiani raccontano l’anima dei luoghi dove vivono, dove scrivono. I poeti riportano nelle loro opere il gorgo o il sorvolo che li domina nel momento …
Valerio Magrelli: Odio della musica?
Valerio Magrelli: Introduzione. Melofobia e dintorni Michele Napolitano: “Süßer als die Erfüllung ist die Sehnsucht”. Note in margine a I Hate Mozart di Bernhard Lang Annie Oliver: Boléro et Variat …
Valerio Magrelli: Condominium of the Flesh
A darkly humorous exploration of the human body and its various functions in poetic prose, Valerio Magrelli’s The Condominium of the Flesh, a personal chronicle of his clinical experience, catalogues …