‘Never let the heat of action lead you to forget good-temper. Be manly; seek no undue advantage. Science and pluck give advantage enough’Ned Donnelly, a former prize fighter turned boxing instructor and author (with a lot of help from his literate friends), was a household name as a one of the most successful, famous, and respected instructors in the history of British boxing. This delightful book – more than an instruction manual, more than an amusing pastime – captures the fighting style from a crucial moment in boxing history right after the Prize Ring had become extinct. With a detailed clarity of expression, and accompanied by charming illustrations of a slightly paunchy boxer, it is a fascinating insight to the man who trained George Bernard Shaw.The Noble English Art of Self-Defence is part of ‘Found on the Shelves’, published with The London Library. The books in this series have been chosen to give a fascinating insight into the treasures that can be found while browsing in The London Library. Now celebrating its 175th anniversary, with over 17 miles of shelving and more than a million books, The London Library has become an unrivalled archive of the modes, manners and thoughts of each generation which has helped to form it.
Various Authors