My name is Veronica. I come from a family of twelve; six sisters and five brothers. My mother was the mother of fourteen. She raised all twelve of us to see adulthood. We were a close-knit family coming up. Over the years many things have changed but God is large and in charge. I am number eight in the bunch. My mom said I was the nosy one in the family because I was always asking questions why this is and why that. She sometimes just smiled and told me that there are things you do not need to know right now. I am the mother of one daughter, Delilah, and the proud grandmother of five grandchildren. I have three granddaughters April, Shannon, and Anastasia. My two grandsons are Princeton and Sloan. I cannot leave my son-n-law Maximillian out whom I love like my own son.
10 电子书 Veronica
Macdonald & Gillies: A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Vancouver
A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Vancouver explores buildings constructed as the city experienced unprecedented growth, beginning with Expo ‘86 and continuing through the 2010 Olympic Wint …
Veronica: Come usare Calibre, guida completa
Una breve guida su come pubblicare un ebook, in particolar modo su come impaginare un manoscritto per formare un file epub, alla portata di tutti (anche di chi non é tanto ferrato con i computer). …
Veronica: Le mie Ricette
Ammettiamolo, a chi non é mai capitato di arrivare all’ora di pranzo o di cena e pensare ‘E adesso, che cucino’?Oppure, di pensare che non si ha molta voglia di sporcare mille pentole e mille conteni …
Veronica: Borderline
Un’infanzia interrotta. Un matrimonio sbagliato. Il tormentato rapporto tra una madre e una figlia, in bilico tra amore sconfinato e dolore muto. Borderline è un intenso romanzo autobiografico che po …
Veronica: Era solo amore
Non è una semplice narrazione, ma un canto d’amore: materno, filiale, sessuale. Protagonista è Sofia; ha una bimba che adora e un padre malato del quale si prende cura amorevolmente. Vedova, triste p …
Darryl & Martin: Robust and Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems
Most physical systems possess parametric uncertainties or unmeasurable parameters and, since parametric uncertainty may degrade the performance of model predictive control (MPC), mechanisms to update …
Veronica: Analyzing the Role of Cognitive Biases in the Decision-Making Process
Decision making or making judgments is an essential function in the ordinary life of any individual. Decisions can often be made easily, but sometimes, it can be difficult due to conflict, uncertaint …
Madalina & Veronica: Using Literature to Teach English as a Second Language
Innovation has replaced stereotypical and old methods as an attempt to make English language teaching and learning appealing, effective, and simple. However, teaching a second language through litera …
Veronica: From Here to There
This book is about times and events in my life that I wanted to share with my readers. Das E-Book wird angeboten von und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: …