作者: Vesselin Petrov

Vesselin Petrov is a Professor and the Director of the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His fields of research include process-relational philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, applied ontology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mathematics.Adam C. Scarfe is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Winnipeg, Canada. His areas of research include process-relational philosophy, philosophy of biology, applied ethics, philosophy of education, and Continental philosophy.

5 电子书 Vesselin Petrov

Jakub Dziadkowiec & Lukasz Lamza: Beyond Whitehead
As with any rich philosophical tradition in a period of intensive growth, process philosophy may seem confusing to the uninitiated, or even to the initiated. There is simply so much going on that one …
Aljoscha Berve & Adam C. Scarfe: Dynamic Being
One of the most important characteristics of present day ontological research is the growing interest in, and emphasis on, the dynamic aspects of being and the process-relational character of being i …
Vesselin Petrov: Ontological Landscapes
In the last decades ontology has been successfully developed in many directions and has fostered various approaches for depicting the contemporary ontological landscapes. An important task is to outl …
Vesselin Petrov: Education from a Whiteheadian Point of View
The basic aims of contemporary thinking in education are to cultivate a proper comprehension of the meaning and purpose of education and the role of the teacher, and to develop adequate theoretical a …
Vesselin Petrov & Franz Riffert: Education and Learning in a World of Accelerated Knowledge Growth
Today, digitalization and the results of research in the fields of artificial intelligence and biology are rapidly interfusing our knowledge societies, meaning that each individual will have to cope …