Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) applications remain very significant in modern analytical science and this volume compiles critical coverage of developments in the recent literature by a handpicked group of researchers at the cutting-edge of the field. The topics covered in this volume describe contrasting types of EPR application, including light induced hyperpolarization and disordered proteins to spin labels and nanomaterials. Providing a snap shot of the area, this book is a useful addition to any library supporting this research.
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) studied by EPR and in-cell EPR; EPR spectroscopy in the study of 2D graphene-based nanomaterials and nanographites; Nitroxide spin labels: fabulous spy spins for biostructural EPR applications; Applications of light-induced hyperpolarization in EPR and NMR; Applications of electron paramagnetic respnance spectroscopy for interrogating catalytic systems