This volume presents a clear, concise overview of the current state of knowledge about the biology of aging ñ serving as both an invaluable graduate-level text and a key reference for practicing professionals. Over a dozen distinguished contributors probe the latest developments in our knowledge of why people age and how the process works. These authoritative chapters are not just written for biologists ñ but for gerontologists in general. Marks the tenth anniversary of the Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Forthcoming Contents, Volume 11
Overview of Biological Mechanism of Aging, Vincent J. Cristofalo Genetic Diseases of Premature Aging as Models of Senescence, W. Ted Brown Growth Factors and Cell Aging, Paul D. Phillips, David L. Doggett, and Vincent J. Cristofalo Role of Endogenous Proteins as Negative Growth Modulators During in Vitro Cellular Aging of Human Diploid Fibroblasts, Mary Beth Porter and James R. Smith T. Cell Function in Aging: Mechanisms of Decline, Donna M. Murasko and I. Michael Goonewardene Molecular Genetic Approaches to Mechanisms of Senescence, Samuel Goldstein Altered Protein Metabolism in Aging, Ari Gafni Mechanisms of Altered Hormone-Neurotransmitter Action During Aging: From Receptors to Calcium Mobilization, George S. Roth Skeletal Muscle Weakness and Fatigue in Old Age Underlying Mechanisms, John A. Faulkner, Susan V. Brooks, and Eileen Zebra Vulnerability of Neuronal Cytoskeleton in Aging and Alzheimer Disease: Widespread Involvement of All Three Major Filament Systems, J. Q. Trojanowski, M. L. Schmidt, L. Orvos, Jr., H. Arai, W. D. Hill, and V. M.-Y. Lee Dietary Restriction as a Probe of Mechanisms of Senescence, Edward J. Maoro and Roger J. M. Mc Carter Role of Free Radicals in Senescence, R. G. Allen Index