作者: Viren Swami

Viren Swami es profesor en la Universidad de Westminster, Londres. Sus líneas de investigación se orientan a explicar los mecanismos que definen los cánones de belleza en distintas culturas y cómo afecta este valor la aprobación y el éxito de una persona. Es editor asociado de Body Image, autor de Body Beautiful: Evolutionary and Sociocultural Perspectives, The Missing Arms of Vénus de Milo y coautor, con Adrian Furnham, de The Psychology of Physical Attraction.

2 电子书 Viren Swami

Viren (Professor of Social Psychology, Anglia Ruskin University, UK) Swami: Attraction Explained
When it comes to relationships, there’s no shortage of advice from self-help ‘experts’, pick-up artists, and glossy magazines. But modern-day myths of attraction often have no basis in fact or – wors …
Viren (Professor of Social Psychology, Anglia Ruskin University, UK) Swami: Attraction Explained
When it comes to relationships, there’s no shortage of advice from self-help ‘experts’, pick-up artists, and glossy magazines. But modern-day myths of attraction often have no basis in fact or – wors …