作者: Vlado Kotnik

Vlado Kotnik is an opera researcher, social anthropologist, sociologist, philosopher, specialist of media studies and Associate Professor of Anthropology at the Department of Media Studies of the University of Primorska, Slovenia. Their publications include Medijske etnografije: K antropološki imaginaciji medijev in komuniciranja [Media Ethnographies: Towards an Anthropological Imagination of the Media and Communication] (2018); Opera as Anthropology: Anthropologists in Lyrical Settings (2016); Homo academicus in mediji: Bourdieujevske meditacije [Homo Academicus and the Media: Bourdieusian Meditations] (2016); Operno občinstvo v Ljubljani: Vzpon in padec neke urbane socializacije v letih 1660–2010 [Opera Audiences in Ljubljana: The Rise and Fall of an Urban Socialisation, 1660–2010] (2012); and Opera, Power and Ideology: Anthropological Study of a National Art in Slovenia (2010).

2 电子书 Vlado Kotnik

Vlado Kotnik: Opera as Anthropology
This book contemplates the relationship between opera and anthropology. It rests on the following central arguments: on the one hand, opera is quite a new and "exotic" topic for anthropolog …
Vlado Kotnik: Small Places, Operatic Issues
This book details original case studies that represent five different social positions or characterisations of opera: namely, opera as social showcase from Bayreuth (1748), social distinction from Lj …