Clubs die quietly. But why? And above all, how can this be changed? Complaining doesn’t help, change is needed. But how should the association change? If the members knew, they wouldn’t need advice. This book focuses on the club culture, the interpersonal aspect that makes a club attractive. The reader should use the points mentioned in the book to check which apply to their club and which can serve as a starting point for change. Change is a process that requires preliminary considerations as to how to start it. On the other hand, it requires continuous feedback and checks to see whether progress is being made in the desired direction and at the desired speed. The statements in this book apply not only to associations, but also to many other organisations: associations, NGOs, initiatives, groups and so on.
Geschichte, Technik, Gesellschaft und ihre Wechselbeziehungen sind mein Interessensgebiet. Mein Hobby Ballonfahren passt da sehr gut dazu.