The author knows well of the Power above all Powers, the Strength and Love above all Loves.
Indeed he knows we have a Lord of Lords, an Alpha and Omega that always was, is, and forever shall be. Wayne relays if there were anything he would desire for readers of this work, it would be that each one facing the maladies of life could be restored as God is doing for Wayne. He also sends along the knowledge he is yet as Paul stated long ago and realizes My sinful self, my only shame. Things he would recommend to others are these: never give up!
Pray and praise, dance and sing, for this is what a Christian’s future holds. Agape love.
My bio used to begin I’m not the same me … but through the grace and compassion of a loving God, he is restoring me during an unusual time—during my eighth year of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Words are not adequate for such an awesome God. Praise him!