作者: Will W. K. Ma

Ma, Wai-Kit Will received his Ph D at the University of Hong Kong. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Dr. Ma’s research focuses on the use of information systems for communication, knowledge sharing and knowledge creation. He is the President of the HKAECT and served as Co-editor of the Journal of Communication and Education. CHAN, Chi-Keung (Alex) earned his master and doctoral degrees in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Alex is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Counselling and Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. He is also the Vice-President of the HKAECT. His research interests include cyber risky behaviors and positive technology. TONG, Kar-wai is the Secretary of the HKAECT. Dr. Tong holds a degree of Doctor of Juridical Science and serves as an editor for various international journals. He is also a book co-editor.His research interests include happiness, Confucianism, human rights, medico-legal liabilities, and legal issues in education. FUNG, Heidi is the Treasurer of the HKAECT and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Heidi received her MSc (ITE) at the University of Hong Kong and her MBA at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests include educational technology, blended learning in higher education, and generic skills development. FONG, Cheuk Wai Rose earned her doctoral degree in Education at Durham University, UK. She is currently a senior lecturer and the Director of Student Services at the Community College of City University (CCCU) and the Public Relations Officer of the HKAECT. Rose’s research interests include education technology, human-computer interaction, and thinking skills in self-reflection and creativity.

13 电子书 Will W. K. Ma

Liping Deng & Will W. K. Ma: New Media for Educational Change
This book gathers selected papers presented at the Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2018 International Conference on the theme of “new media for educational change: …
Will W. K. Ma & Wendy Wing Lam Chan: Shaping the Future of Education, Communication and Technology
This book gathers selected papers from the Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2019 International Conference on the theme of “Shaping the Future of Education, Communic …
Simon K.S. Cheung & Lam-for Kwok: Blended Learning. New Challenges and Innovative Practices
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Blended Learning, ICBL 2017, held in Hong Kong, China, in June 2017.The 42 papers presented were carefully revie …
Oliver Au & Simon K.S. Cheung: Technology in Education. Innovative Solutions and Practices
This book constitutes extended papers from the Third International Conference on Technology in Education, ICTE 2018, held in Hong Kong, China, in January 2018.The 27 full papers presented in this vol …
Will W.K. Ma & Chi-Keung Chan: New Ecology for Education — Communication X Learning
This book gathers the best papers from the HKAECT-AECT 2017 Summer International Research Symposium. Revealing the complex interactions between communication and learning, which are represented by th …
Will W.K. Ma & Allan H.K. Yuen: New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies
This volume highlights key aspects of new media, knowledge practices and multiliteracies in communication and education, providing readers with a range of empirical findings, novel theories and appli …
Christina Hong & Will W. K. Ma: Applied Degree Education and the Future of Work
This edited volume sets the stage for discussion on Education 4.0, with a focus on applied degree education and the future of work. Education 4.0 refers to the shifts in the education sector in respo …
Will W.K. Ma & Kar-wai Tong: Learning Environment and Design
This special edition of the Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook Series bears a title of “Learning Environment and Design: Current and Future Impact”. It provides a timely forum to shar …
Anna Wing Bo Tso & Alex Chi-keung Chan: Digital Communication and Learning
This edited book collects papers with perspectives from scholars and practitioners in Asia, Australia, and Europe to reveal the pros and cons, chances and challenges, constraints, and potential risks …
Christina Hong & Will W. K. Ma: Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning
This book draws on the responses to learning and teaching and applied education futures thinking,  that provide insights into the future of learning. It brings together more than 30 novel and im …
Christina Hong & Will W. K. Ma: Applied Degree Education and the Shape of Things to Come
This edited book seeks to evolve a global community of practice to share case studies, engage in critical discussion and spearhead thought leadership, to address the paradigm shift in next generation …
Will W. K. Ma: Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education
This book presents research studies investigating innovative curriculum design, effective teaching pedagogies, skilling and assessment of relevant competencies, and innovative and learning-associated …
Chun Wai Fan & Chen Li: Blended Learning. Intelligent Computing in Education
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Blended Learning. Intelligent Computing in Education, ICBL 2024, held in Macao, China, during July 29 – August 1 …