作者: William Connolly

William E. Connolly es filósofo y teórico político, profesor de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, dedicado al estudio del pluralismo y el secularismo, el cambio climático y los nuevos autoritarismos. Creativo teórico de la democracia en alianza con autores como William James, Maurice Merleau-Ponty y Gilles Deleuze. Pensador que dialoga con distintas tradiciones teóricas y disciplinas científicas, es autor de los libros Pluralism (2005), A World of Becoming (2010), The Fragility of Things (2013) y Aspirational Fascism. The Struggle for Multifaceted Democracy under Trumpism (2017). Además, forma parte del libro colectivo publicado en su homenaje bajo el título de The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition (2008), del que participan autores como Wendy Brown, Thomas L. Dumm, Bonnie Honig y George Kateb. Frente a lo planetario: humanismo entrelazado y política del enjambre es su primer libro traducido al castellano.

8 电子书 William Connolly

Thomas C. Conte & Ronald J. Terchek: Theories of Democracy
Theories of Democracy builds on Robert Dahl’s observation that there is no single theory of democracy; only theories. Beyond the broad commitment to rule by the majority, democracy involves a set of …
William Connolly: Political Science and Ideology
Professor David Kettler commented at the time of initial release, that this book is ‘writing with great poise and clarity, the author says important things in a deceptively simple way about a problem …
William Connolly: Political Science and Ideology
Professor David Kettler commented at the time of initial release, that this book is ‘writing with great poise and clarity, the author says important things in a deceptively simple way about a problem …
William Connolly: Frente a lo planetario
Frente a lo planetario es un libro fundamental sobre uno de los más acuciantes del presente: el cambio climático. El autor pone el foco en el ‘proceso de lo planetario’ –incluyendo el estado de los o …
William Connolly: Pluralism in Political Analysis
The theory of democratic pluralism has long provided the dominant ideal and description of politics in industrial societies with competing party systems. The purpose of this classic collection, inclu …
William Connolly: Pluralism in Political Analysis
The theory of democratic pluralism has long provided the dominant ideal and description of politics in industrial societies with competing party systems. The purpose of this classic collection, inclu …
William Connolly: Practice Of Spiritual Direction
The classic work on helping people become closer to God. Fathers Barry and Connolly see the work of spiritual direction as helping people to develop their relationship with God. In thinking and pract …