Andrew C. Scott is Professor of Applied Palaeobotany and a
Distinguished Research Fellow in the Department of Earth Sciences
at Royal Holloway, University of London, England
David M.J.S.Bowman is Professor of Environmental Change
Biology in the School of Plant Science at the University of
Tasmania, Australia
William J. Bond is Professor of Plant Ecology in the
Department of Botany at the University of Cape Town, South
Stephen J. Pyne is Regent”s Professor in the School
of Life Sciences at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona,
Martin E. Alexander is an Adjunct Professor of Wildland
Fire Science and Management at the University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada and formerly a senior fire behavior research
officer with the Canadian Forest Service
6 电子书 William J. Bond
Andrew C. Scott & David M. J. S. Bowman: Fire on Earth
Earth is the only planet known to have fire. The reason is both simple and profound: fire exists because Earth is the only planet to possess life as we know it. Fire is an expression of life on Earth …
Andrew C. Scott & David M. J. S. Bowman: Fire on Earth
Earth is the only planet known to have fire. The reason is both simple and profound: fire exists because Earth is the only planet to possess life as we know it. Fire is an expression of life on Earth …
William J. Bond & B.W. van Wilgen: Fire and Plants
Large regions of the world are regularly burnt either deliberately or naturally. However, despite the widespread occurrence of such fire-prone ecosystems, and considerable body of research on plant p …
William J. Bond: Open Ecosystems
This book explores the geography, ecology, and antiquity of ‘open ecosystems’, which include grasslands, savannas, and shrublands. They occur in climates that can support closed forest ecosystems and …